Sunday, August 23, 2015

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Jean Claude Vandamme a Belgian star, someone teach him how to act Meet the gayest actor to have ever starred in action movies. It is great he is open about his sexuality or supposed, but just the way he does it, everytime I see him I change the channel because he makes every movie seem like a bad gay porn movie. Here is a link on the 20 worst movies made by Jean Claude Vandamme

Racist Belgian Comics From the Top 10

Got this from this is listed as the sixth reason to hate Belgium, TinTin sure takes the cake. If you weren't in on it TinTin is racist as was his creator Léon Degrelle
No need to explain… the images speak for themselves. But still l will highlight the reality that racism is very normal in Belgium and it is often led by populist politicians. Here’s the Top 10 for most racist moments in Tin Tin. Often there have been disputes about the things these comics depicted to this day I can’t comprehend how crazy they are…

Among disputed things is the TinTin comic going on about his travels through Congo without mentioning how 10-15 million people were killed by Belgium and showing a lot of racist things.

The actual creator of TinTin, Léon Degrelle, actually was a Nazi, wow what a coincidence!!! 

Léon Degrelle
The Smurfs really suck. But of course also included racism, they’re Belgian no need to say more…


Saturday, August 15, 2015

Accomplice of Dutroux, being the ex-wife sharing home with former judge

In Belgium there were issues over the news that the accomplice and ex-wife of a serial child killer Dutroux moved into the house of a an ex-judge. Christian Panier rented it out to Michelle Martin, from the perspective that there is good in everybody. The woman had spent 16 years in prison for being an accomplice of Marc Dutroux.The judge was like, she needs to be rehabilitated. The ridiculous part is he would receive money for it., rehabilitation?
The sick pervert Marc Dutroux and his wife Michelle Martin were know for committing some of the most evil crimes in the history of Europe. Marc Dutroux was a serial killer and child molested that was convicted for torture and abuse of six girls, four of which were murdered. In 1998 this sick individual could escape... 

Belgium: Tourism in the Ugliest Place on Earth | European Journal

The ugliest place on earth can of course be found in Belgium. As seen on the website of the video: 

"Artist Nicolas Buissart says Charleroi is the ugliest place on earth. But that doesn't stop him showing tourists round it.Once the industrial heart of Belgium's French-speaking Wallonia region and still home to 200 thousand people, Charleroi is now an industrial wasteland with high unemployment. Buissart organizes tours of Charleroi that offer tourists an insight into his decaying home town."

Maggie De Block - Maggie The CUBE

Typical for Belgium Maggie de Block, Maggie the CUBE, was responsible for immigrants, isn't that ironic having a twat called block block immigrants, typical for Belgium...

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Surviving the worst place on earth Belgium : Top 10 Reasons to Hate Belgium

Surviving the worst place on earth Belgium : Top 10 Reasons to Hate Belgium: Travelers beware, to continue the introduction on Belgium I feel the need to explain more about all the reasons to avoid the country and ins...

Top 10 Reasons to Hate Belgium

Travelers beware, to continue the introduction on Belgium I feel the need to explain more about all the reasons to avoid the country and instead choose a place with lower suicide rates, crazy corporations and more notable accomplishments. While hate is not the right word to describe the common resentment of Belgium it summarizes the frustration many have towards the ridiculousness of many parts of the country.

10. Belgian Architecture

Photo by Giovanni Troilo
Just look at the exposition Charleroi from Giovanni Troilo. This photo that won the world pressure reward, but later taken back featured the ugliness of Belgium, it the caused many problems due to it being received badly. Charleroi has been voted the ugliest place on earth.The prize was taken back due to being an accurate depiction, while many pictures did stem from Charleroi. Some post pictures of the houses:

9. Belgian Sprouts, among other creepy stuff
For unknown reasons Belgium appreciate strange cuisine and awkward monuments I dont know if their national monument Manneken Pis would be legal in many countries. 

8. Having the world record in being without government
Having had 589 days without a government Belgium has  made it into the Guinness book of records for country that went the longest without a government. During a long time due to the issues between the French and Dutch speaking parts they decided to go without a chosen government. The people didn't rebel they didn't care or no, they had a fries revolution after about 250 days. What do you do when you don't have a government?
 Eat French Fries in Belgium the French fries keep them unites. The lack of government caused plenty of problems but they just ate more fries

7.  Voted the most boring place on earth
Photo by Giovanni Troilo
Brussels voted the most Boring place on earth. I don't think Manneke Pis helps out make it more likeable. There are few interesting sites and many to ignore. Colin Farrell in the movie "In Bruges": "If I grew up on a farm and was retarded Brusges might impress me, but I didn't so it does not"

6.  Tin Tin and the Smurfs


No need to explain... But still l will hightlight the reality that racism is very normal in Belgium and it is often led by populist politicians. Here's the Top 10 for most racist moments in Tin Tin, the Smurfs just suck.

5.  Belgian Chocolate and the Child labor
Belgian chocolate is their supposed famed object, yet the cooa comes from other countries, mainly throughout Africa.

 Top 5 Cocoa producing countries: 

% of World Total
1 Cote d Ivoire
2 Indonesia
3 Ghana
4 Nigeria

4.  Suicide Rates
Photo by Giovanni Troilo
5th Highest in the EU and endorsement of early Euthanasia. Currently in 2015 in Belgium there are even attempts to let there be earlier Euthanasia for people withe mental illness in Belgium. Apparently their issues are so severe there is the need to end it all.
 3. Blood Diamonds
In Belgium they actively have a diamond extraction and distribution making because 90% of world diamonds are traded through Belgium therefore there are Blood Diamonds, many traveling through Belgium.

2.  Racism and constant conflicts between the French and Dutch speaking

The story behind the conflict of government is the fact that the French Wallonian and Flemish people do not get along. If they already have this many issues among nationals you can imagine how they feel about migrants.

1.  Leopold II - killed 10-15 million people in Congo

Type in any search engine on planet earth the top 10 most evil men and Leopold the king is in it. There is a good reason for why he is always mentioned as being pure evil. In the end of the 19th century and begin 20th killed and trampled over millions of people in Congo and they hid it. It is not an active part of history and there are still statues in different parts of the country. See it as a Germany where Hitler is considered a good guy.