Wednesday, July 29, 2015

2nd Commandment Love Thou Neighbor - not in Belgium

In Belgium there has been a large political struggle in the past causing 589 days of failure to establish a government in 2010-11. The Belgian nation achieved a new international record and while they have a government the issues causing the limbo are still present to this day. The image of Lutz Bachmann styled as Adolf Hitler was published by the Dresden Morgenpost after a reader spotted it on FacebookSince the separation from the Netherlands in 1831 there has been a Dutch and a French speaking part having different traditions companies and difficulties with one another.

While we can endlessly talk about relevant factors one of the most important matters to highlight is Bart De Wever. Whenever an economic crisis is imminent, there is a terrorist attack or anything as such there always is some pathetic right winged schmuck prick prepared to grasp his opportunity and manipulate the puny into embarking on a long run. With their predictable conservative stances on entrepreneurs, having awkward anti-asylum cries and cheap right winged opposition speeches at their disposal they are praised among pubs throughout every urban messy jungle. In Germany everybody remembered Hitler, but currently the populist right winged party, that wanted to pick up the Axe where Hitler had to bury it, is Pegida. After the incident in 2015 leading to a temporary departure of the Lutz Bachman, it seems the party is dying. All because this inexperienced Nazi apparently couldn't comprehend why people would jointly raise their middle finger as he posted pictures with the hair and mustache of Hitler. Still populism remains on the rise throughout Europe as can be seen looking at Le Pen in France and Wilders in the Netherlands.

Well in Belgium it is Bart De Wever of the NVA. Bart De Wever  as seen here on the right is considered a god here in Belgium. What makes him different however is the fact that he is not necessarily against Islamic Groups, but instead all the french speaking Islamic people on the whole. Mark Eyeskens has said he thought he used arguments from the Neonaziculture, but his principals are clear. No more french speaking part, give all the Flemish what they deserve. Strangely he does not oppose the European Union and has even met with Le Pen. The problem is however here in Belgium there is so much hatred for the other people speaking a different language, there isn't even enough time to talk about other forms of racism. I once heard a lady call an african a monkey on the street but I've heard way worse stories that that. It is normal in Belgium to plan to kill your neighbor before he kills you. I just stand by and watch as they ponder becoming an even smaller nation, fuck it I'll even bet it would be funnier, but it would definitely make the Flemish the most hated among all.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Do I hate Belgium or mostly Leopold II?

Normally we'd all live in peace and get along all over the world sing Kumbaya all day long, but it seems Belgium is a demonstration of how not all humans can be trusted and that there is good and a lot of potential evil in all of us. I made a mistake coming to Belgium in 2009, having applied for asylum in Great Britain, but still residing in Belgium I risk different consequences of this blog, knowing how F*ing crazy Belgium is. Still I am willing to risk all in order to get the right story out, after learning about the ups, downs, highs and many lows of this country after the national holiday celebrating Leopold the 1st I felt the need to speak out. 

To start off by giving a history lesson on Leopold II the one and only who motivated me to write this blog and to this day makes me fearful of what any human being is capable of. 

Leopold II became king in 1865 and remained so until his death in 1909, at a time when there were many colonial activities throughout the world. From 1885 until 1908 Leopold the second called himself the owner of The Congo "Free" state. This is in fact what separated his Free State from other countries whereas Britain, France, The Netherlands and others had colonies, the Congo Free State was to be seen as his personal property. Driven by the desire to obtain rubber and experience true wealth Leopold the 2nd wreaked havoc on Congo. To the right is a picture of a known way in which he subdued the people in Congo and destroyed many villages. Often I pondered on what was done in the royal house given the fact that this psychopath was brought forth, but their royal house remains and no explanation was given. Leopold performed a form of genocide and thought it was OK because people from Congo were his property. To make a quick summary, please take note of the fact that: 

Leopold II Killed 10 - 15 Million people!!!

To put that into perspective, Hitler killed about six million Jews, but Leopold and thus Belgium is likely responsible for the double amount of people from Congo massacred. Moreover, Belgium is a very small country, nothing like Germany which leaves us to ponder the sick power game that must have been played in order to accomplish this. The picture on the left shows Leopold the Second having been painted red, this is no coincidence given the fact he stand for the blood a human being can shed, I would not visit Germany if it were to have statues celebrating Hitler and I don't know why I didn't investigate the country. Belgium to this day in 2015 has many statues of the Belgian Hitler.

To this day Belgium remains a place with prosperity derived from their genocide in Congo. Chocolate as a national product but also many beers, explaining why they can sleep at night and somewhat enjoy life. With this they allow for there to be slave and child labor in many parts of Africa and they still have an evil impact in Congo, but this will be explained later. With this I wish to highlight we commemorate World War 1 and 2 But not what possible the biggest douches in the Universe did. I do not talk about this fact for the fun of it, but due to the fact that it bothers me and it should bother all of us. How far can we be disgraced, just have a look at Belgium.